A Symmetric Encryption (SE) scheme is a primitive that allows someone to encrypt plaintext into a ciphertext under a key and then to decrypt the ciphertext under the same key. It is a widely used primitive with many formal definitions of strengths.
Formal Definition
A Symmetric Encryption (SE) scheme is a tuple of efficient functions
, with respect to a keyspace
, plaintext space
, and ciphertext space
, such that:
, is a randomized function that takes a security parameter, and outputs a key
, is a randomized function that takes a key
and plaintext message
, and outputs a ciphertext
, is a deterministic function that takes a key
and ciphertext
, and outputs a plaintext message
A SE scheme is correct if for all
, there exists a negligible function
, such that
Chosen Plaintext Attack (CPA) Security
A SE scheme is CPA-secure if for all efficient adversaries
, there exists a negligible function
, such that
is a uniformly random bit, and
Chosen Ciphertext Attack (CCA) Security
A SE scheme is CCA-secure if for all admissible efficient adversaries
, there exists a negligible function
, such that
is a uniformly random bit, and
. Further, we say an adversary is admissible if it never queries
on an output of
The difference in this definition is that we additionally give the adversary access to a decryption oracle. This is a strictly stronger definition than SE#CPA-security.
Indistinguishable from Random CPA (IND-CPA) Security
A SE scheme is IND-CPA-secure if for all efficient adversaries
, there exists a negligible function
, such that
is a random function from
This security definition is also a stronger definition than CPA-security as it additionally restricts the distribution of ciphertexts produced by an encryption algorithm.
Relationship to other primitives
Sufficient assumptions
See the sufficient assumptions for OWFs.
Other Notes
- Other security definitions, named CCA1 and CCA2, exist and have historically been confused with the CCA notion outlined above