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(Created page with "=== A === {{Reference |id=cf07 |tag=CP07 |title=On parameterized path and chordless path problems. |authors=Y. Chen and J. Flum |journal=Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computational Complexity 2007 |srcdetail=250-263 }} === B === === C === {{Reference |id=cdh20 |tag=CDH20 |title=A Lower Bound for One-Round Oblivious RAM |authors=D. Cash, A. Drucker, and A. Hoover |journal=TCC 2020 |link= }...")
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=== A ===
     |id=cf07 |tag=CP07
     |id=cf07 |tag=CP07
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     |journal=Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computational Complexity 2007
     |journal=Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computational Complexity 2007
=== B ===
    |id=bbk03 |tag=BBK03
    |title=Digital fingerprinting codes: problem statements, constructions, identification of traitors
    |authors=A. Barg, G.R. Blakley, and G.A. Kabatiansky
    |journal=IEEE Transactions on Information Theory

=== B ===
    |id=bmz19 |tag=BMZ19
    |title=The Distinction Between Fixed and Random Generators in Group-Based Assumptions
    |authors=J. Bartusek, F. Ma, and M. Zhandry

    |id=bs98 |tag=BS98
    |title=Collusion-secure fingerprinting for digital data
    |authors=D. Boneh and J. Shaw
    |journal=IEEE Transactions on Information Theory
=== C ===
=== C ===
Line 16: Line 40:
     |title=A Lower Bound for One-Round Oblivious RAM
     |title=A Lower Bound for One-Round Oblivious RAM
     |authors=D. Cash, A. Drucker, and A. Hoover
     |authors=D. Cash, A. Drucker, and A. Hoover
     |journal=TCC 2020
    |id=cgks98 |tag=CGKS98
    |title=Private information retrieval
    |authors=B. Chor, O. Goldreich, E. Kushilevitz, and M. Sudan
    |id=chnvw16 |tag=CHNVW16
    |title=Watermarking Cryptographic Capabilities
    |authors=A. Cohen, J. Holmgren, R. Nishimaki, V. Vaikuntanathan, and D. Wichs
    |srcdetail=Pages 1115--1127, 2016

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=== D ===
=== D ===
    |id=dh76 |tag=DH76
    |title=New Directions in Cryptography
    |authors=W. Diffie and M. E. Hellman
    |journal=IEEE Transactions on Information Theory

    |id=dmo00 |tag=DMO00
    |title=Single Database Private Information Retrieval Implies Oblivious Transfer
    |authors=G. Di Crescenzo, T. Malkin, and R. Ostrovsky
    |srcdetail=Pages 122--138, 2000
=== E ===
=== E ===
    |id=elg85 |tag=Elg85
    |title=A Public Key Cryptosystem and a Signature Scheme Based on Discrete Logarithm
    |authors=T. ElGamal
    |journal=IEEE Transactions on Information Theory
=== F ===
=== F ===

=== G ===
=== G ===
    |id=ggm84 |tag=GGM84
    |title=How to Construct Random Functions (Extended Abstract)
    |authors=O. Goldreich, S. Goldwasser, and S. Micali
    |srcdetail=Pages 464--479, 1984

    |id=go96 |tag=GO96
    |title=Software Protection and Simulation on Oblivious RAMs
    |authors=O. Goldreich and R. Ostrovsky
    |journal=Journal of the ACM (JACM)
    |srcdetail=Volume 43, Number 3, Pages 431--473, 1996
=== H ===
=== H ===
    |id=hill99 |tag=HILL99
    |title=A Pseudorandom Generator from any One-way Function
    |authors=J. Håstad, R. Impagliazzo, L. A. Levin, and M. Luby
    |journal=SIAM Journal on Computing
    |srcdetail=Volume 28, Number 4, Pages 1364--1396, 1999
     |id=hppy24 |tag=HPPY24
     |id=hppy24 |tag=HPPY24
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=== K ===
=== K ===
    |id=ko00 |tag=KO00
    |title=One-Way Trapdoor Permutations Are Sufficient for Non-trivial Single-Server Private Information Retrieval
    |authors=E. Kushilevitz and R. Ostrovsky
    |srcdetail=Pages 104--121, 2000
=== L ===
=== L ===
    |id=ln18 |tag=LN18
    |title=Yes, there is an oblivious RAM lower bound!
    |authors=K. G. Larsen and J. B. Nielsen

    |id=lr88 |tag=LR88
    |title=How to Construct Pseudorandom Permutations from Pseudorandom Functions
    |authors=M. Luby and C. Rackoff
    |journal=SIAM Journal on Computing
    |srcdetail=Volume 17, Number 2, 1988

=== M ===
=== M ===
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=== O ===
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=== Q ===
=== R ===
=== R ===
    |id=reg05 |tag=Reg05
    |title=On lattices, learning with errors, random linear codes, and cryptography
    |authors=O. Regev
    |journal=Journal of the ACM (JACM)
    |id=rsa78 |tag=RSA78
    |title=A Method for Obtaining Digital Signatures and Public-Key Cryptosystems
    |authors=R. L. Rivest, A. Shamir, and L. M. Adleman
    |journal=Communications of the ACM, Volume 21, Issue 2
=== S ===
=== S ===
    |id=sho94 |tag=Sho94
    |title=Algorithms for quantum computation: discrete logarithms and factoring
    |authors=P. W. Shor
    |journal=Proceedings 35th annual symposium on foundations of computer science
    |id=sho97 |tag=Sho97
    |title=Lower Bounds for Discrete Logarithms and Related Problems
    |authors=V. Shoup
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Latest revision as of 18:29, 21 July 2024


[CP07] Y. Chen and J. Flum. On parameterized path and chordless path problems., Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computational Complexity 2007, 250-263.


[BBK03] A. Barg, G.R. Blakley, and G.A. Kabatiansky. Digital fingerprinting codes: problem statements, constructions, identification of traitors, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 2003.

[BMZ19] J. Bartusek, F. Ma, and M. Zhandry. The Distinction Between Fixed and Random Generators in Group-Based Assumptions, CRYPTO, 2019.

[BS98] D. Boneh and J. Shaw. Collusion-secure fingerprinting for digital data, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 1998.


[CDH20] D. Cash, A. Drucker, and A. Hoover. A Lower Bound for One-Round Oblivious RAM, TCC, 2020.

[CGKS98] B. Chor, O. Goldreich, E. Kushilevitz, and M. Sudan. Private information retrieval, JACM, 1998.

[CHNVW16] A. Cohen, J. Holmgren, R. Nishimaki, V. Vaikuntanathan, and D. Wichs. Watermarking Cryptographic Capabilities, STOC, Pages 1115--1127, 2016.

[CHS24] S. Cohen, A. Hoover, and G. Schoenbach. Watermarking Language Models for Many Adaptive Users, Preprint, .


[DH76] W. Diffie and M. E. Hellman. New Directions in Cryptography, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, .

[DMO00] G. Di Crescenzo, T. Malkin, and R. Ostrovsky. Single Database Private Information Retrieval Implies Oblivious Transfer, EUROCRYPT, Pages 122--138, 2000.


[Elg85] T. ElGamal. A Public Key Cryptosystem and a Signature Scheme Based on Discrete Logarithm, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, .



[GGM84] O. Goldreich, S. Goldwasser, and S. Micali. How to Construct Random Functions (Extended Abstract), FOCS, Pages 464--479, 1984.

[GO96] O. Goldreich and R. Ostrovsky. Software Protection and Simulation on Oblivious RAMs, Journal of the ACM (JACM), Volume 43, Number 3, Pages 431--473, 1996.


[HILL99] J. Håstad, R. Impagliazzo, L. A. Levin, and M. Luby. A Pseudorandom Generator from any One-way Function, SIAM Journal on Computing, Volume 28, Number 4, Pages 1364--1396, 1999.

[HPPY24] A. Hoover, S. Patel, G. Persiano, and K. Yeo. Plinko: Single-Server PIR with Efficient Updates via Invertible PRFs, Preprint, .




[KO00] E. Kushilevitz and R. Ostrovsky. One-Way Trapdoor Permutations Are Sufficient for Non-trivial Single-Server Private Information Retrieval, EUROCRYPT, Pages 104--121, 2000.


[LN18] K. G. Larsen and J. B. Nielsen. Yes, there is an oblivious RAM lower bound!, CRYPTO, 2018.

[LR88] M. Luby and C. Rackoff. How to Construct Pseudorandom Permutations from Pseudorandom Functions, SIAM Journal on Computing, Volume 17, Number 2, 1988.







[Reg05] O. Regev. On lattices, learning with errors, random linear codes, and cryptography, Journal of the ACM (JACM), 2005.

[RSA78] R. L. Rivest, A. Shamir, and L. M. Adleman. A Method for Obtaining Digital Signatures and Public-Key Cryptosystems, Communications of the ACM, Volume 21, Issue 2, 1978.


[Sho94] P. W. Shor. Algorithms for quantum computation: discrete logarithms and factoring, Proceedings 35th annual symposium on foundations of computer science, .

[Sho97] V. Shoup. Lower Bounds for Discrete Logarithms and Related Problems, EUROCRYPT, 1997.